COVID-19 Update:


Century is committed to keeping our patients safe.  We're following the recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control and Illinois Department of Public Health.  This includes social distancing, using TeleMedicine virtual visits and scheduling patients by priority.  To reduce the volume in our waiting room and the potential risk of infection, we will be migrating towards pre-screened urgent health visits or TeleHealth visits.   We appreciate your understanding as we work to increase our capacity while keeping you safe.

If you are sick, have a fever, a newly presented dry cough, have travelled internationally, please do not visit the office.  Instead, call us to setup a TeleMedicine visit, or contact your Primary Care Physician for further instruction.  Century is not able to provide screening or testing for COVID-19. 

If you present with Ansomia (loss of smell) or Ageusia (Loss of taste), Have been COVID-19 Positive within the past 4 weeks, or have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive, please do not enter the practice.  Let us know and we can recommend a Telemedicine visit.


 Click here for more info on TeleVisits   



Please continue to wear a mask or face covering.  Our office does not have face masks available.  e are asking that you leave family at home or in the car. 


If you are able, please print the Patient Packet at the bottom of this page and complete at home. 


STAFF WILL ONLY CALL BACK THE PATIENT TO BE SEEN.  Front desk staff will offer the option of returning to your car after check-in to be called back via your cell phone. 


We deeply appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to ensure your safety and the safety of our staff and their families.  


Search Results
Our Services
... Ear Infection Mouth Sores Neck Pain Sore Throat Head and Neck Cancers Oral Cancers Snoring/Sleep Apnea Breathing Problems Dizziness Ear Infection The ear is made up of three sections: the outer ear, middle ear and inner ear...

... Mouth Sores There are a variety of sores that can occur in or around the mouth...

Mouth Sores
Also known as canker sores and ulcers, mouth sores usually result from bite injuries or allergic reactions...